Interested in selling Thymes?

Being a wholesaler has its perks! Find a sales representative in your area below.

If you represent a multi-door, regional or national account, please email us directly by visiting our Contact Us page.

Ivystone Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, North Dakota, South Dakota, & Kentucky 877-466-7895
Goetz, Inc. Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas & Missouri 800-242-3178
Harper Group Washington D.C., Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania & Virginia 866-644-1704
Harper Group Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island & Vermont 866-644-1704
Goetz, Inc. Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas & Oklahoma 800-242-3178
Ivystone West Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Alaska, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming & Montana 877-466-7895
Stephen Young & Associates California, Nevada & Hawaii 800-282-5863
Design Home Canada 800-663-9950
Marie Negron Puerto Rico 1-787-765-6097

Wholesale Policies

Terms of Sale
Authorized Online Seller Application and Agreement
Minimum Advertised Price Policy

*Effective 6/15/20 we require a credit card for any transaction under $2,500.00 USD.